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Corporate Internal Publication
"Want Want Monthly"
"Want Want Monthly" is an internal-use magazine which records every step of Want Want's journey. Everyone feels connected through Want Want Monthly as it shows everyones' hard work, different lifestyles and new trends in the company. It is also a great platform for sharing employees' work and life experiences in Want Want which strengthens the company's team spirit. 
  • 《旺旺月刊》NO.246


  • 《旺旺月刊》NO.245


  • 《Want Want Monthly》NO.244

    《Want Want Monthly》NO.244

  • 《Want Want Monthly》NO.243

    《Want Want Monthly》NO.243

  • 《Want Want Monthly》NO.242

    《Want Want Monthly》NO.242

  • 《Want Want Monthly》NO.241

    《Want Want Monthly》NO.241